Saturday, 12 September 2009

Training Trevor and a crazy week!

its been a long time since I'vve put anything on this blog so I thought it was time that I got back to it!

The last week has been crazy - Training Trebor arrived at last! Friday was all day with the Youth workers, people full time in ministry and anyone else who was prepared to miss work for the day to be there! I got to spend all day (when I wasn't sorting equipment!) with Marv Penner, listening to his all day seminar on working with teenagers who are hurting. It was really powerful stuff but fascinating listening to Marv talking about something that he is so passionate about and telling stories.

I guess listening to training like that reminds me of the honour of being a youth worker and hanging out with teenagers - whether they are in a good place or bad. I guess that is the bit that I miss about being a youth worker - not the politics of working in a church or the difficulty of with all the things that involves, but just hanging out with teenagers. I miss that. And I should probably try and find ways to do that - and maybe be a volunteer leader - to be able to use the skills and experience I have - without all the responsibility of being paid for it!!